Displaying items by tag: script
How to Display Twitter Posts with the new 1.1 Api - jQuery script
Many of you might have not heard about the lattest Twitter api changes but not all of you got ready on time right?
Maphighlight script with inversed highlighting support
I tried to find such a thing on the web but looks like it doenst exist yet.
Anyway i managed to modify the famous maphightlight plugin in order to inverse its highlight.
Spacegallery script with Links
It has been some time i wanted to make this tut, here we are!
This is the way i made Spacegallery plugin work with links :D
Embed text into image script
Many are the times that we need to display an image with text that needs to be updated. That for I have developed a small script that will do this for us.
The main idea is of course to insert the text we need into an image into the position we wish – the font size and color we like.
How are we going to do that?
We will use the script image.php as an image with GET variables as input.
We can call it like: